Introduction to Managing Your WordPress Website
WordPress is a simple Content Management system that Comit uses as an option for clients who would like to manage their own website. If you are one of our WordPress clients and are looking for information on how to easily add or edit content to your website, this guide is written for you!
WordPress Dashboard
We will begin by outlining the basics of the WordPress dashboard. Below is a screen shot of what you see when you log in to your account: The majority of our clients will mainly be making changes within the Posts section, Pages section, and managing items within the Media gallery. We will take a closer look at each of these sections in this guide.
Adding or Editing Content
To begin, we will start with creation and editing of Posts and Pages. Both of these sections are managed similarly. A good way to distinguish between the two is to think of Pages as static content, and posts as material that populates your blog—if you have one. Posts are also used to pull dynamic content, or content that is continuously changing, such as a news feed. The way in which you add content and images to each of these sections is quite similar. We will review the Posts section first.
Click on Posts in the left column of your dashboard. You will see that the item expands and provides more options—All Posts, Add New, Categories, and Tags. You can create a new entry by clicking “Add New.” You will see an area to define a title for your post, as well as a text area to enter your content. This area can be formatted similar to a word processing program. There are options to format your text, change text colors, add images, links, and more. Step by step guides on a few features can be found here: • Adding images • Adding a link Contact us to request a specific guide. You may also see additional areas to enter in Title Tags, Meta Data, and Page Descriptions for your Posts depending on the customization options that were enabled on your website through various WordPress plugins. These are particularly useful if you have an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan with Comit Developers. If you are interested in purchasing these features for your site, please contact management by filling out our contact form.
Chances are, your websites pages have already been implemented into your WordPress system. You can manage the content that your website displays by editing pages. Click on Pages in the left column of your dashboard. You will be directed to a listing of all of the pages within your site. To begin editing a page, click on the title of the page you want to change. You will see a screen similar to the Posts interface. Here you can edit the title of your page as well as add, edit, or remove content from the body of your page. Step by step guides on a few features can be found here: • Adding images • Adding a link Contact us to request a specific guide.
Media Gallery
The Media Gallery is where the images, videos, recordings, and files you have uploaded to your website are stored. They are usually added to the gallery when you upload files from your computer into a Post or Page. You can either view your Library by clicking on “Library” or add items by clicking on “Add New.” Library view will list all of the items in your Media Gallery, and “Add New” is a feature that lets you either select files to upload or drag and drop files into the uploader to add new items. To use the items that have been added to your Media Library, when editing a page or post, click the Upload/Insert icon. This will open a new window that gives the option to add media. You can upload from your computer, from URL, or from the Media Library! Clicking on the Media Library will display a listing of the items that are stored in your gallery. Check out our detailed guide of how to add media into your posts/pages. If you would like to request a specific guide on how to use your WordPress website developed by us, please let us know!