Mapping Your Way Through The Buyer Journey

by | Sep 14, 2016 | Inbound Marketing

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buyer journey

Inbound marketing is all about getting results by mapping the buyer’s journey throughout your website. In order to see results, you need to first attract customers to your site, then convert them into buyers, close the sale and finally delight them with an excellent service or product so they come back for more. By closely examining your target customer’s persona, you can better map your way through the buyer journey.

Attracting Customers

Inbound marketing is a natural, organic marketing strategy. In this strategy, customers come to you. In order to convert these customers into buyers, you need to first attract them. Using a combination of search engine optimization (SEO), engaging content, social media posting and traditional advertising, you can attract those first visitors to your website. Once you get them to your site, you’ll need to keep them there in order to continue the buyer journey.

Converting to Buyers

After they are attracted to your website, customers can then make the decision to bounce or to stay. If they don’t bounce out, it is quite likely that they have converted to potential buyers. During this stage of the buyer journey, you’ll need to provide enough information and interesting content to engage the visitor and convince then that they need to buy your product or service. Once they are convinced and click on “learn more” or “buy now” or “contact us” – they have officially become converted.

It’s Your Turn: Close the Deal

Now it’s your turn to step in and take charge. The customer has already made their way to your site and decided your product is for them. Now, it’s up to you to close the deal. During this stage, your marketing team should be reaching out in a timely manner, collecting details and payment information and planning how your new client will utilize your product or service. The closing process is fun and exciting – and is all about turning sales!

Delight Buyers for Long-term Relationships

If you’re like most businesses, you don’t want just a one-time sale. You want that customer to be so delighted with your product or service that they keep coming back for more. Keep buyers satisfied with excellent customer service and personalized attention. Maintain a great client relationship with consistent communication and transparent reporting of their results. If things aren’t working, find a way to make it better. By putting your clients first and trying your best to provide top-notch service and deliver amazing results, you will create long-term clients for life.

Using inbound marketing to attract customers is a great way to develop long lasting relationships. When the customers come to you – they are more likely to be converted into buyers. Plus, the organic model of inbound marketing lets your business website work for itself, saving time your marketing team would normally use to make cold calls and use other outbound marketing methods. Utilize your website for inbound marketing by mapping your way through the buyer journey.

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