Meet the Team: Ehren Breaux

by | Nov 23, 2020 | Web Development

Home » Web Development » Meet the Team: Ehren Breaux

Photo of Ehren Breaux, Comit's website and IT support expert

Meet Ehren Breaux, our website and IT support expert.

The man behind the screen—our very own ‘Mr. Fix It,’ Ehren is our go-to guy for all things…er…broken! But he doesn’t stop there! Ehren also handles all of the maintenance work to keep our clients’ sites healthy and functioning to prevent things from breaking in the first place. Quick with his wit and his support, Ehren is always willing to lend a helping hand in and out of the office. He’s even been known to take on the design and development of a few sites, as well as help with video-editing work, when our team gets overloaded with projects.

How long have you worked in this industry?

I’ve been working in IT for about 7 years and added web support to my resume over the last year or so.

What are some of your responsibilities?

I help fix any problems that arise with client websites, and I also take care of the computers for everyone in the office.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I start the day by looking over emails and tickets in our support inbox, and proceed to answer emails or set up tickets. Then, I work on tickets from the previous day or anything urgent. Next, I usually take a short lunch before starting on any tickets still outstanding. I usually finish up the day working on updating plugins for all of our clients’ websites.

What made you choose this profession?

After years in IT, I felt web development would be a nice change of pace and a fairly smooth transition. I was right! Even though there were lots of new things, many pieces overlapped and I feel like I got on my feet pretty quickly.

What’s your favorite part of what you do?

I’m a big fan of user interface design, so anytime I get to design something or build something from scratch I enjoy it.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of the office?

I enjoy cooking, running, fishing and watching Jeopardy.

Would you rather be a famous director or a famous actor?

I hate being in the spotlight, but I love getting credit for creating something awesome. I’m also a big movie fan, so creating things in my own vision could be a really fun experience.

Why do you feel businesses should choose Comit Developers?

We have a great team, and we create awesome looking websites! Our team is small, but we work well together and help each other along the way.

Contact Ehren and the Comit team today to get started building the best website for your business.

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Comit Developers has been developing WordPress sites for over 20 years. As a result of several mergers and acquisitions, Comit has emerged as an expert in website design and development for an array of industries. Follow our company blog to learn about our team, our process, and the latest industry news.

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