If you have been in the Social Media game for a while now, you are probably familiar with the ever pestering temptation or coercion from Facebook to hand over your wallet for Facebook Likes. If you haven’t already given in, you’ve probably thought about it, but you might want to think twice.
Yes. We did a little case study on Comit Developer’s Facebook Page to find out just how much quality our paid likes held. Spending $50 in a Page Likes ad campaign, here were our results:
Let’s break down what this means:
- Out of the number of people we reached, only 2% actually liked the page.
- We spent a hefty dollar per like.
Now, our research showed that $1.00 per like was on point with the average amount you should expect to pay for likes, but we were curious… what were the quality of those likes?
Our campaign was specifically targeted towards people (21-60) who were Business page owners, interested in things like Social Media Marketing, SEO, and Web Design for example. We also limited the ad to our local area and a few surrounding towns.
To our surprise, the majority of the paid likes were not only outside of our targeted age range and geographic area, but upon inspection of the users’ profiles, it was apparent that they were either fake accounts or people who would have no interest in our services. Most of our other tests also produced similar results.
Our advice is to take heed when considering whether to invest in a Page Likes Ad Campaign on Facebook. It’s not easy to find creative ways to gain organic likes, but it could mean a ton of saved money and actual results. In our next Social Media post, we will discuss some creative strategies we have used to earn our clients a considerable amount of organic and valuable page likes, so be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter or follow us on Facebook to find out how we did it!