What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and Does it Affect My Business?

by | Oct 21, 2019 | Internet Marketing, Web Development

Home » Web Development » What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and Does it Affect My Business?

internet of things illustration of electronics connectivity flowchart against blue background

It wasn’t all that long ago that smartphones burst onto the scene and became the most common way people access the internet. Since then, we’ve seen more and more connected devices emerge onto the market, giving rise to a whole new category of internet technology: The Internet of Things (IoT).

The IoT refers to a class of devices that are always online and always collecting data about the environment around them. Well-known examples include the smart thermostats many people now have in their homes or the connected wearables and fitness trackers that have become so popular in recent times. It also refers to an emerging class of sensors and industrial equipment that has the potential to revolutionize global supply chains and manufacturing processes.

What the IoT Means for Businesses

Given the broad nature of the IoT, the average business can be forgiven for not seeing how it connects to them. Still, the implications, even for small businesses, could be vast. Imagine, for example, developing a new product or service using the data that an IoT device provides. Or, finding new ways to understand customer preferences to enhance sales. These are both realistic applications of today’s IoT technology for those businesses savvy enough to sense the opportunities early.

How it Will Affect Businesses

In very real terms, the most obvious impact that the IoT is going to have on businesses is that it’s going to unleash a torrent of data. That data can be mined to advance business goals or sharpen existing offerings. Doing so, however, will require the development of the infrastructure needed to collect, store, and process that information to yield useful or actionable business intelligence.

That effort, for many businesses, begins with their websites. To harness the power of many IoT devices, businesses will need to begin rethinking their current site designs to account for the very specific requirements of IoT technology. Those include things like:

  • Developing database backends
  • Enhancing mobile UX
  • Improving site security
  • Decreasing page load times
  • Building new, user-facing interfaces to support specific IoT devices

Making it Happen

Since the IoT is still in its infancy, businesses looking to get involved with the technology require expert advice. That’s why it’s a good idea for them to partner with professional web developers that will know exactly how to help them build IoT-friendly websites with room for future growth and changes.

At Comit Developers, we have the know-how to be your business’s trusted IoT partner as it moves into the connected future. Contact us today so we can explore how the IoT can help you reach your business goals.

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