Developing a Facebook posting schedule

by | Dec 2, 2013 | E-commerce, SEO, Web Development, Wordpress

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Social media is a vital part of your online presence. Facebook is a great platform for proving yourself as an authority in your industry, as well as interacting with your following to show that you care about your clients’ concerns.

  • • Post engaging content. Don’t link or post just to do it. Generate engaging and informative information.
  • • Post regularly. You shouldn’t have long gaps in your posting schedule. Keep it steady and regular.
  • • Don’t post too often. Posting too often can become annoying and cause people to avoid your page.
  • • Respond to your following. Answer questions and encourage engagement with your following.

It’s going to take some trial and error before you find the perfect Facebook posting schedule for your market. Try posting at different frequencies and at different times of day, or different days of the week. See which times or days have better results using Facebook analytics. Create a weekly or monthly post that your viewers could look forward to. For example: If you sell cameras, you could feature a “Photo of the Day” every afternoon, which could feature a photo submitted by one of your customers. In addition, you should have at least one post per month that has to do with your industry. It could have to do with your products, or just industry news. This builds trust and authority in your brand, showing that your company is up-to-date with its industry.

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