Five Effective Search Engine Optimization Strategies

by | Oct 20, 2015 | SEO

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If you’re familiar with the very concept of Internet marketing, then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve heard about the need for SEO (search engine optimization). However, when it comes to optimizing your website for SEO, there are dozens of strategies out there – some of which aren’t exactly ethical (these are known as “black hat” tactics – and Google penalizes them if it identifies their use). The following are five SEO strategies that are not only effective, but that Google approves of:

  1. Optimize your site for mobile use – It’s important that your website is optimized for mobile use for two main reasons. First, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it won’t be displayed properly on different screen sizes. This will result in mobile visitors leaving your site as soon as they arrive. Secondly, Google rewards mobile-friendly websites with higher mobile search rankings.
  2. Optimize for local SEO – To ensure that you reach the consumers in the area you’re located in, you’ll need to optimize your website for local SEO. You can do this by including the name of your city in your keyword phrases (for example – “oven baked pizza in Brooklyn, NY.”), making sure your NAP (name, address and phone number) is listed on each page and by adding your business to local directories, such as Google Places or Yelp.
  3. Earn backlinks – Google puts a lot of emphasis on earning backlinks because they assume that if a website is linking to your content that your content must be of high quality. Of course, they will judge the quality of these backlinks as well to make sure they are coming from respectable sources and not link farms (black hat websites that trade links solely for the purpose of link building).
  4. Use LSI keywords – LSI keywords help to provide context to your main keywords. For example, if you use the term “Apple” as a keyword, Google won’t know if you’re talking about the company or the fruit. Your LSI keywords, which are often long-tail keywords, will help provide context.
  5. Use social share buttons – Google factors in social signals when ranking pages, so add social share buttons to your blog to make it easy for readers to share or like.

These are five of the most effective search engine optimization strategies that you can use. For additional information and advice concerning search engine optimization, be sure to contact us at Comit Developers today.

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