From a fundamental perspective, the term "website accessibility" simply means that your site's features and functions are accessible to all people of differing abilities. This concept isn't usually the first thing people think about when they plan, design and...

Posts Authored by Carissa McDaniel
5 Key Elements Your Landing Page Needs
Considering how important of a role landing pages play in web marketing, it’s surprising how little attention some companies pay to these crucial conversion points. In its simplest form, a landing page is whatever page of a website your visitors “land” on...
Shopify vs. WooCommerce: How to choose the best ecommerce platform for your business
Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the biggest players in the "major league" of ecommerce solutions. Even though they are both popular, successful and accessible to a wide range of businesses, choosing the right one might be more difficult than you think. The...
Conversion Rate Optimization: How To Optimize Your Website for Conversions
It's the question at the heart of many businesses across the world: how are you turning the visitors on your website into customers? It all boils down to the conversion strength of your website. In this piece, we'll talk about what conversion optimization means...
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