Mobile-Friendly? It Matters…

Mobile-Friendly? It Matters…

Google released a new set of resources to ensure that your website qualifies for the "mobile friendly" label in the organic search results. If you are looking to qualify for this label (you're crazy if you don't...) your website will need to meet these basic...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2014

Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2014

As we all know, this past weekend-Monday were the biggest shopping days of the year. Now that all of the craziness has died down a bit, we can reflect on which products stood out.   All weekend long people have been banging away on their keywords, searching for...

Natural Link Building

Natural Link Building

As an SEO, link building is a necessary evil. We all put up with the drabness of searching for that perfect link because of the amazing results that can be extracted. Recently, it has come to our attention, that there is a new technique to try. This new technique...

Secret Google Maps Glitch

Secret Google Maps Glitch

“If it’s on the internet it must be true,” a well known phrase and a facetious one at that. With all of the user generated material, misunderstood satire, and distracting cat memes out there on the web, it’s hard not to be skeptical when you fire up your wifi and...

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